The question?
Conformity should be the main aim of all schools. How far do you agree?
Sunday, April 11, 2010 @ 7:03 AM

In a nutshell, conformity should not be the main aim of schools but rather providing basic education. Conformity does not encourage holistic and overall education in students but rather limits and handicaps the student mental and vocal development. All the points stated tends to show that conformity is not all a school aims to achieve but rather hopes to instill. The aims of conformity cannot be achieved easily if conformity is not practiced.

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@ 12:29 AM




So that no one student will be left out or ignored

They won’t be given a chance to be individuals – which is one the aims of schools


Students will think that they’re all the same and that no one is better off

Conforming won’t be able to help them in maturing


It allows the practice of equality amongst students

No students would want to take the initiative to do something different (subjects)


Equality amongst different races

Some schools are dominated by single race and thus making it uncultured


Students might gain ideas from the media

Students might get influenced negatively by what they see through the media (trends being followed by the other students which is inappropriate for school)

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Thursday, April 8, 2010 @ 12:59 AM


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Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @ 4:36 AM

Yes, conformity should be the main aims of schools.

No, conformity should not be the main aim of all schools.

  • P (1)- There has to be a common platform whereby students will have to conform to to project a common identity amongst students of a certain school.

  • E (1)- With the different beliefs and perspectives of students, the way they dress, present themselves and also communicate might also differ and this might lead to a complication of the school's identity.

  • E (1)- Relating to a Singaporean context, the country comprises of multi ethnic and religious groups. Therefore, the way they dress and project themselves might be of different styles. The malays might want to come to school dressed maybe, in their own Baju Kurung and the indians might want to be dresses in their Saris.

  • L (1)- To conquer this uneven platform, schools will have to instill the use of uniform which helps in projecting uniformity. Therefore, when conformity is instilled, it helps to develop uniformity and a common platform for the students.

  • P (2)- Conformity would be advisable in a multi-cultural society in a sense that no student is given better privileges because of who they are. Everyone is to be given equal opportunity in schools.

  • E (2)- Schools need to conform and subscribe to meritocracy so that no one race would have more opportunity than the other. Schools provide every student with equal degree of knowledge provided by the teachers and it is not biased to any race in particular.

  • E (2)- In Singapore, teachers and students are of different races. For example, a chinese teacher teaching Economics treats everyone of his students equally. What he teaches applies for all his students and that he won't only supply the knowledge to only the students of his race. The degree of knowledge given is equal.

  • L (2)- Therefore, in a multicultural society, conformity should be applied as it helps in providing equal opportunities for the students.

  • P (1)- Conformity deprives students from their freedom to express themselves, be it academically or socially.

  • E (1)-Students should be given the chance to be able to showcase their own talents and not only should they be limited to the subjects offered by the schools. Schools should ask the students what are the fields/subjects that they have interests or capabilities in. From there, they might want to try to accommodate to the students' wants and needs.

  • E (1)- In Singapore, by the time a students clears his/her secondary 2 level exams, they will be given a number of subjects to choose from. They will then be working on these chosen subjects for the rest of their remaining secondary school years.
  • L (1)- This allows the students to feel a sense that they can at least make a choice on their own as they know themselves the best. Therefore, with the students' interests in mind, having them to conform will limit them to all this opportunities.
  • P (2)- Conformity would tend to lessen the ability of an individual to develop critical thinking.

  • E (2)- By having the students conforming, they would only see what is black and white without knowing the shades of grey that exists in the world. they won't be able to appreciate the objective of what they are conforming to.

  • E (2)- In Singapore, nowadays, students are reciting the pledge for the sake of it and not because they respect the pledge for it's true meaning.

  • L (2)- As so, when students conform, they will be losing their individualism and thus, whenever they do things on their own, they will be at a loss as to how to make the decision by themselves. As conformity deprives them from thinking critically, it should not be the main aim of all schools.

  • P (3)- The main aim of all schools should be to provide students with basic education

  • E (3)- As schools are established to provide education and they can use any means necessary. Their aim of nuturing the young minds of the country will be achieved.

  • E (3)- Vocational schools are set so that they can nuture students in a specialised profession. Schools need not conform only towards the academic.

  • L (3)- While schools are set up with the purpose to educate, education now takes on a larger role than just the academics. Talent and skill also plays a part in education.


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@ 3:34 AM

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Conformity & main aims of schools?
Saturday, March 20, 2010 @ 9:56 PM


Question Type: Simple Polarity. ( 'How far' question)




What is conformity?

- to act according to certain accepted standards
- correspondence inform or appearance

What are the main aims of all schools?

- develop a confident person who has a strong sense of right and wrong, is adaptable and resilient, knows himself, is discerning in judgment, thinks independently and critically, and communicates effectively;

- develop a self-directed learner who takes responsibility for his own learning, who questions, reflects and perseveres in the pursuit of learning;

- develop an active contributor who is able to work effectively in teams, exercises initiative, takes calculated risks, is innovative and strives for excellence; and,

- develop a concerned citizen who is rooted to Singapore, has a strong civic consciousness, is informed, and takes an active role in bettering the lives of others around him.

Moral and social developments

At the end of Primary school, pupils should:At the end of Secondary school, students should:At the end of Post-Secondary education, students should:
be able to distinguish right from wronghave moral integrityhave moral courage to stand up for what is right
know their strengths and areas for growthbelieve in their abilities and be able to adapt to changebe resilient in the face of adversity
be able to cooperate, share and care for othersbe able to work in teams and show empathy for othersbe able to collaborate across cultures and be socially responsible
have a lively curiosity about thingsbe creative and have an inquiring mindbe innovative and enterprising
be able to think for and express themselves confidentlybe able to appreciate diverse views and communicate effectivelybe able to think critically and communicate persuasively
take pride in their worktake responsibility for their own learningbe purposeful in pursuit of excellence
have healthy habits and an awareness of the artsenjoy physical activities and appreciate the artspursue a healthy lifestyle and have an appreciation for aesthetics
know and love Singaporebelieve in Singapore and understand what matters to Singaporebe proud to be Singaporeans and understand Singapore in relation to the world

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